Find the support
you need…
and how you can help care for others.
Citywide Hotline: 262-922-9285
Anointings call ext. 7777
St. Vincent de Paul
St. Vincent de Paul of Waukesha County is a group of lay Catholic volunteers from all walks of life – neighbors helping neighbors right here in Waukesha County whose outreach has no faith boundary. Assistance may include emergency rent, utilities, food, clothing, household goods, referral services and programming to help navigate a path to financial stability. On a person-to-person basis, members offer help, hope, and encouragement to people in need – an ear to listen, a hand in a time of crisis, a hope to guide people toward programs that can bring lasting change to their lives, and mentoring to encourage those on a path to financial stability.
Find help based on your location.
St. John Neumann area
262- 549-0223 x 115
St. Joseph Area
St. Mary Area
Food Pantry 262-832-1445
St. William Area
262-547-2763 x 204
St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store 262-544-1850
Domestic Abuse
Life can be stressful, and when that stress is felt all across the world as it is with this pandemic, it is amplified enormously. Difficult situations and relationships can become inflamed and potentially dangerous.
If you are experiencing a situation of abuse, please try to tap into the resources below. These experts can guide you.
The Women’s Center, Waukesha, WI
Women's Center Website
24 hour Hotline is 262-542-3828 or 888-542-3828
National hotline for domestic abuse: 800-799-7233
If you suspect domestic abuse with a family member, friend or neighbor, please take time to educate yourself about it through the National Hotline website. They can assist you in knowing how you can help.
Grief Support
How can we help?
Call us. Our Societal-Pastoral team can visit with you and see how we can assist and refer you as needed. Our number is 262-547-6555 x1362 for Janet Yahnke, Director of Societal-Pastoral Ministry, enter extension 110. Para Espanol
For sacramental reconciliation or for urgent pastoral needs, contact our priests at 262-547-6555 and press 6. You can also contact our Catholic Community of Waukesha hotline at 262-547-6555 ext 1306.
If you have recently lost a loved one, we are genuinely sorry for your loss. It is a unique experience for everyone, yet there are also common aspects of that experience. Reading about them can help us process. Here are some links to articles that reference different kinds of losses, AND actions you can take to support yourself or someone you know who is bereaved.
Articles related to experience with Covid-19
What you need to know about Coronavirus and Grief
Job Loss & Financial Distress
During this current crisis in our country, there is a lot of stress related to employment and finances. If you are experiencing job loss and stress we, the Catholic Community of Waukesha, are praying for you daily. Here are some websites that give advice for those things that you need to attend to right away. Also, a couple of sites where you can be reminded of ways to deal with the stress related to job loss. If you would like to visit with someone, please contact our Catholic Community of Waukesha hotline for support. 262-922-9285.
Prayer and Spiritual Support
A Prayer for Anyone Facing a Job Layoff By Mark Herringshaw
I’m meeting a friend for lunch today. He was recently laid off. I’m not quite sure what to say when we meet. I can’t exactly hand in a new job, not exactly at least. What I can promise is that I will pray for and with him. That may sound like a platitude but I actually believe it’s probably the best and most powerful favor I could deliver.
God works; and he works through prayer. God can move heaven and earth, and he has and does and will again. Prayer is God’s chosen formula. We didn’t think it up, or invent promises like, “Ask anything in my name and I will do it…” I still squirm when I read that one, in part because it doesn’t always seem to be so simple as that, and in part because I can’t quite imagine how the Creator of the universe would dare put himself on the line with what seems to be such a blank check. Whatever! I’m deciding to live my life as if that’s God’s issue, not mine. If he invites me to pray and believe it matters, I’m going to do it. So today, I will pray for my friend who has been laid off his job. I’ll pray for his peace, his present provision, and for a new employment opportunity that fits his passions and gifts. Join me, for him and others like him.
God, we pray for all those who have suddenly lost employment. There are many. We ask you to first give them peace and a settled confidence. Their natural response is to shock and then fear, and to begin questioning their abilities, the past accomplishments and their future prospects. Give them your encouragement today, and do so through surprising ways, both directly from your Spirit and through other people who come across their path. Build them up, as this situation has torn them down. Remind them of past victories, and awaken new dreams for their future. Give them – today – divine appointments with people who may be key in opening a new future for them. Give them hope; lighten their step; lift the anxiety from their body; give them sleep and an unexpected joy. God, you intend us to have a purposeful life. You give us work assignments to accomplish because you designed us to help you create and sustain your creation. We are not made for idleness or sloth. We need meaningful work. So for all those who have lost a job, today bring them one step closer to a new direction. Show them any areas in their own character that need to change in order for their destiny to be realized. Then give them the wisdom and power to make those changes, by your Spirit. Today is a new day with new possibilities. Let nothing stand in the way of your purposes in the lives of those who, without your assistance, cannot find their next course. We pray this in Jesus…”
Prayer for Employment Catholic Online
God, our Father, I turn to you seeking your divine help and guidance as I look for suitable employment. I need your wisdom to guide my footsteps along the right path, and to lead me to find the proper things to say and do in this quest. I wish to use the gifts and talents you have given me, but I need the opportunity to do so with gainful employment. Do not abandon me, dear Father, in this search, but rather grant me this favor I seek so that I may return to you with praise and thanksgiving for your gracious assistance. Grant this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Community Agencies Guide
There are many services and open doors all throughout the Waukesha Community.
If you find yourself in need of assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to the agencies listed below.
Unsure of where to look? Would you like more information? Contact any of our parish offices.
Refugee & Immgiration Resources
“Family Promise” para la Comunidad Inmigrante
El programa de inmigración de Caridades Católicas está tratando de mantenerse actualizado sobre las noticias relacionadas con los inmigrantes durante esta contingencia sanitaria. Este enlace explica sobre las prestaciones por desempleo. Aquellos inmigrantes con ciertos permisos de trabajo son elegibles para beneficios de desempleo.