July 2021 Covid-19 Update

Last week the Archdiocese sent out an update to the Catholic Comeback Matrix. You can view the current matrix here.

In consultation with our priest team and the prayer and worship commission, we will revert to pre-pandemic procedures beginning this weekend, July 10/11, 2021 with a few exceptions.

Our Mass attendance numbers have not returned to preCovid19 attendance yet we offer the same amount of Masses. The result is a shortage of volunteers/ministers for Mass. If you are attending Mass, please volunteer. The need for volunteers has become critical during the summer months. Contact Bob Gallagher to find out where help is needed most. Call 262-547-6555 or email bgallagher@ccwauk.org.

Eucharistic Ministers
Masks are optional for Eucharistic Ministers, if they are fully vaccinated and feel comfortable going without a mask. Eucharistic Ministers will continue to receive after they have distributed to the congregation. They should come forward during the Lamb of God, sanitize their hands and receive their vessel from the priest. After distributing to the congregation, they will return to the sanctuary. The first Eucharistic minister to return to the sanctuary may distribute to the other ministers as they return. You do not have to wait for the priest to give you communion. We will only distribute communion under one species, bread. The cup is reserved to the priest and deacon. Those that wish to receive on the tongue may approach you, you may distribute to them if you are comfortable. You may also walk back to the sanctuary to sanitize your hands after distributing on the tongue.

Greeters and Ushers
Masks are optional for greeters and ushers, if they are fully vaccinated and feel comfortable going without a mask. Those that take up the collection may use the handled baskets, or pass baskets. Parishioners may sit where they want. We will continue to reserve a pew or two for those that prefer to wear masks. The individual liturgy committees will make a determination of the number of pews and mark them accordingly.

Cantors will return to the Ambo to sing the psalm. Masks are optional for those that are fully vaccinated and feel comfortable going without a mask. There are no changes to the procedures for readers. Masks are optional for readers who are fully vaccinated and feel comfortable going without a mask.

Servers/Acolytes may serve without a mask if they are fully vaccinated and feel comfortable going without a mask. Those that are under 18 will follow the guidance of their parents.

According to current CDC guidelines which state that routine cleaning is sufficient, we will discontinue sanitizing after each Mass. I want to thank all those that have sanitized our church after each Mass for over a year. Your diligence has kept us safe.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email or phone.

Thank you for past, present and continued cooperation.

Bob Gallagher
Director of Liturgy and Music
Catholic Community of Waukesha
phone: 262.547.6555 x1309


October 10, 2021 Update


Communion Reception Update