Single Life


“Being single doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you—it just means you’ve chosen a different path.” 

This is a quote from the beginning of an article by Beth Knobbe entitled Flying solo: Life as a single Catholic 

Being Single is a valid Vocational choice for some people.  A single person comes to believe that remaining single is the authentic and true way to faithfully live his or her baptismal call.  It is not merely a station in life until he or she finds someone to marry.  Single men and women embrace the gift of celibacy and are able to devote their life in a very particular way to the service of God and the Church as they strive to fulfill their baptismal vocation to holiness.

“Virginity for the sake of the kingdom of heaven is an unfolding of baptismal grace, a powerful sign of supremacy of the bond with Christ and the ardent expectation of his return, a sign which also recalls that marriage is a reality of this present age which is passing away.” (CCC 1619)

Where most people who choose to live their lives as single simply do so without any ritual to declare their path.  Some women choose the path of being a Consecrated Virgin.  You can check out this story on the vocation of Consecrated Virginity.

Further Information

The Archdiocese of Milwaukee Vocation Page provides information about all four vocations



